Do you find yourself doing a breath check on a daily basis? You know the one we are talking about: when you discreetly breathe into your cupped hand and try to determine whether your breath is tolerable enough for a face-to-face conversation with your partner, friend, or boss. If you suffer from bad breath, you might be wondering if you should invest in a tongue scraper. Luckily, we’ve got some input for you.
The good news is tongue scrapers can help fight bad breath in certain cases. Bad breath could be the result of numerous things, including a poor diet, smoking/tobacco use, or dry mouth1, or could be a result of post-nasal drip2, a yeast infection, or medication use3. In cases where bad breath is the outcome of bacteria coating your tongue (you’ll notice your tongue has a slight yellow or white tint), a scraper can produce temporary relief from bad breath, since it removes the odor-causing plaque and bacteria.
However, tongue scrapers only produce temporary results, and are not proven to fight chronic bad breath. Remember that the best way to reduce bad breath is to practice good oral hygiene. This means brushing and flossing twice a day, eating mouth-healthy foods, and scheduling routine dental visits. To schedule yours, call our office at 952-443-3368.
1Mouth Healthy. 2016. Tongue Scrapers.
2Know Your Teeth. 2016. Tongue Scrapers Only Slightly Reduce Bad Breath.
3Mayo Clinic. 2016. Bad breath: Could a tongue scraper help?