Megan, a high school senior, is working on a capstone care package project. She is collecting items to ship to Marines and Army soldiers stationed in Minnesota and abroad. These service men and women really appreciate receiving care packages, and are in need of a variety of items, listed below. Please join us in our effort to provide the supplies they need. We will be collecting items at the office through March 1st.
- Travel size wet wipes or baby wipes
- Travel size tissue packs
- Hand sanitizer wipes (we cannot ship liquid sanitizer)
- Pads/Tampons
- Shampoo & conditioner (small to average size)
- Body wash (neutral fragrance)
- Loofa sponges
- Body lotion
- Toothbrushes & toothpaste
- Solid deodorant (non-aerosols)
- Razors & shaving cream (non-aerosols)
- Foot powder
- Q-tips
- Chapstick
- Chewing gum/mints
- Candy, fruit snacks, licorice
- Snack size crackers and cookies (in semi-rigid containers)
- Coffee singles or instant packets and tea bags
- Gatorade powder or water enhancers (e.g. Mio, Propel)
- Protein/Granola bars
- Beef or turkey jerky (no pork products)
- Vacuum packed tuna and chicken
- Individual size canned meals (e.g. Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli, etc)
- Sunflower seeds, packs of nuts, trail mix
- Writing pads and pens
- Puzzle books (crosswords, Sudoku, word search)
- Playing cards, travel size games, dominoes
- New or used book
- Footballs, frisbees, etc.
- Hand/foot warmers
- Boot style socks (black or sand only)
- Cash to offset shipping costs
- Thank you cards, children’s artwork
- Jumbo, gallon and quart size
- Ziploc bags for shipping